Impact of detergents on the environment: What are the negative effects?
As a society, we have a growing awareness of the harmful additives in our food and products around the home. While we may pay close attention to bathroom and kitchen chemicals and detergents, what about the laundry room? Have you ever wondered what impact do laundry detergents have on the environment? And is there an eco-friendly alternative to traditional detergents? HOW DOES LAUNDRY DETERGENT HARM THE ENVIRONMENT ? The impact of laundry detergent on the environment is twofold. There are the chemical effects and also the long-term impact related [...]
Sustainable solutions: How to make your clothes last longer?
Prolonging the life of clothes is good for many reasons, from saving the planet, to saving money. In fact, did you know that if we wear an item only 9 months longer than we do now, we can reduce its impact on the environment by 20-30%? This also means that we don't have to buy anything new during this period, which could have a positive impact also for our bank balance. And to be true, we can't make clothes last forever, but there are some tips and tricks to make sure they [...]
Impact of detergents on the environment: What are the negative effects?
As a society, we have a growing awareness of the harmful additives in our food and products around the home. While we may pay close attention to bathroom and kitchen chemicals and detergents, what about the laundry room? Have you ever wondered what impact do laundry detergents have on the environment? And is there an eco-friendly alternative to traditional detergents? HOW DOES LAUNDRY DETERGENT HARM THE ENVIRONMENT ? The impact of laundry detergent on the environment is twofold. There are the chemical effects and also the long-term impact related [...]
Sustainable solutions: How to make your clothes last longer?
Prolonging the life of clothes is good for many reasons, from saving the planet, to saving money. In fact, did you know that if we wear an item only 9 months longer than we do now, we can reduce its impact on the environment by 20-30%? This also means that we don't have to buy anything new during this period, which could have a positive impact also for our bank balance. And to be true, we can't make clothes last forever, but there are some tips and tricks to make sure they [...]